Saturday, March 10, 2007

Roderick was very impressed (and so was I by the way) by the little book Eckart Wintzen sent me today. I might be an indication for his upcoming biography...

Unfortunately the interest in the book soon disappeared when we set out to get Roderick a Nintendo DS with Pokemon games, something we promised him for his birthday on March 21. As he is quite competitive he took the opportunity to get the DS already out 'to familiarize' himself.... Of course the little machine has not left his hands all day.....

Dutch photo reporter Caro Bonink, whom I met yesterday, said that men mostly took about having the latest technology and hardware and women about what they shoot. Maybe it is changing in the young generations, as content seems to be king to Roderick who prefers the Nintendo with Pokemon above his psp....Content king in the end?

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